Blue Copper, Black Copper & Splash Copper Marans Hatching Eggs
- Availability: Standard Straight-Run Chicks & Hatching Eggs
- APA Classification: Continental
- Average Size: 6.5lbs.- Hens & 8lbs.- Cocks
- Plumage: Golden copper to deep mahogany red collar on both male & female with the remaining feathering black that shines with shades of green in the sun. Male has tones of same color copper & reds through-out back and saddle area.
- Body Standard: Large bodied, single comb, smooth fitting plumage with copper details & feathered shanks
- Durability/Disposition: Hardy, Calm, Docile, Can be aggressive, Hens will go broody and raise chicks
- Dual Purpose Bird: Utilized for eggs & meat
- Egg Production: Medium DARK brown eggs- Average 200+ eggs/year